Disciplinary Body Practices Essay

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Shaving, applying makeup, and curling hair are a few practices that if a female does not partake in, society, and the social norm are stunned. Those are just a few disciplinary body practices in today’s society. Disciplinary body practices “Are practices because they involve taken-for-granted routinized behaviors and they are disciplinary because they involve social control in the sense that we spend time, money, and effort, and imbue meaning in these practices that regulate our lives” (Shaw 193). These practices can extend way beyond the basic beauty routine of a female as well. Plastic surgery plays a huge role in these body practices. Even men have practices that they are expected to partake in. They are less extreme in terms of price and just simpler in general. But for example, men are expected to have shaved necks, large muscles, and a broad upper body. These standards are causing body and beauty shaming around the world. Disciplinary body practices relate to the adamant consumer culture, constant media advertisements, widespread globalization, persuasive colonialism, and powerful imperialism. Consumer culture and the concepts of “beauty” are related to disciplinary body practices in various ways. Consumer culture, in my opinion, is …show more content…

These unrealistic beauty standards should be changed and not thought of as the social norm. Consumer culture affects these practices because many people follow the trends in society. The media also plays a huge role by advertising what that companies need to portray as popular and trendy in society at a certain time. Globalization, colonialism, and imperialism all contribute to these disciplinary body practices all over the world. They display differences and similarities of beauty within different cultures. The expected beauty routines like shaving, applying makeup, and curling hair should feel like a choice to a female, and not a necessity to be considered

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