Descriptive Essay About My Room

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Everyone has their own, personal place to have alone time and clear their heads. For me, that place is my bedroom in my apartment. My room is the one place where I feel most nostalgic and comfortable; its’ a comfort that can’t be replaced. My bedroom is my favorite room in my apartment because I always have my privacy there, and I feel like it shows my personal style, which I love. Privacy is extremely important to have in your life and it helps keep you sane! That’s why I am so unbelievably thankful that the bedroom doors in my apartment have locks on them for our own privacy. I have three roommates, so including me, that’s makes for four girls in one tiny apartment space constantly seeing each other every single day. Don’t get me wrong, I love my roommates with all my heart! But, sometimes, you just got to get the heck away from them! Sometimes roommates drive you up a wall, and that has happened many times throughout my first year of living with them. That’s why I love my warm, cozy, and remote bedroom that happens to contain a lock. Insert the heart eyes. My roommates don’t have a key, so there’s no way of them getting in; isn’t that just lovely? Now, I’m no antisocial person who hates hanging out with their roommates. In fact, I hang out with them all the time, and I consider them to be my best friends! But, you know, sometimes you just need that space away from them in order to stay…mentally stable (for lack of better words, of course). Also, my roommates like to be …show more content…

I love hanging out with my friends and doing stupid college shenanigans, but at the end of the day, my room is my safe place. It allows me to escape my crazy, loud roommates (whom I love), and have alone time to take a moment and relax. But my room also allows me to challenge my creativity by becoming my own personal canvas to help me express my style and

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