Deforestation Essay

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No one can deny the basic human need for housing. And no one can deny that any advanced culture requires a great deal of paper to transact its daily business. However, one must also recognize the importance of forests in and of themselves. We must fight against deforestation and international community must also introduce stricter policies to stop deforestation. 1) First, we will talk about the effects of deforestation and why it's a problem. 2) Second, we will learn about the many causes of deforestation. 3) Lastly, we will cover how to solve this problem.
According to National Geographic 2014, Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Deforestation occurs all around the world and tropical rainforests are primarily targeted. Our world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation. Currently or in the recent past countries with significant deforestation include Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, parts of Africa and Eastern Europe. Deforestation affects our planet and everyone in many ways. According to LiveScience 2013, seventy percent of the world’s plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation. Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. Our world has lost so many species of plants and animals in last couple of decades. This has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine. In some regions of the world deforestation can cause floods, when it rains trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of its roots. But when they are cut down the flow of water is disrupted w...

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...According to Mother Nature Network 2009, there are also many other ways we can help; buying products with the FSC certification label, FSC is a nonprofit organization that promotes responsibly managed foresting. Planting a tree in our backyard, a community garden, or across the world, educating our friends, family, and community about how our actions here can impact forests thousands of miles away.
1) First, we talked about the effects of deforestation and why it's a problem. 2) Second, we learned about the many causes of deforestation. 3) Lastly, we covered how to solve this problem. People will not stop cutting down trees because they need the wood for housing and paper and other basic needs. If people stop cutting down trees illegally and remember to replant trees after harvesting, then the endangered species might survive, and it could decrease global warming.

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