Deforestation Essay

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Deforestation means to cut down a big amount of trees, which results in damage to the quality of the land. Forests cover 30% of the earth's land, but are lost every year. The rainforest could disappear in about a hundred years because of the existing rate of deforestation.

 There are many reasons why forests are cut down the main reason is money or the demand of people’s needs for them and their family. The main reason for deforestation is agriculture. The farmers cut the forests down so that they have a lot of land to farm on including moist soil and etc. Sometimes farmers only cut or burn a little bit of trees so they could plant and feed their families. Also a lot of trees are cut each year for paper. Sometimes loggers do illegal things like building roads to access forests which leads to more and more deforestation. The forests are also cut as an outcome of growing urban sprawl. Not all deforestation is planned on purpose, some just occur because of wildfires and overgrazing which prevents young trees to grow. The biggest effect of deforestation is the impact on the habitat for many species. More than half of the earth animals and plants live in the forests so if the forests are gone they are too. Deforestation also causes global warming. The soil in forests is moist, but if there are no tall trees to cover the sun then they dry out very quickly.

 Trees help complete the water cycle by returning water vapour back in the atmosphere.

 If we don't have any trees that help us with these things then many forests can become deserts.

 Trees also absorb greenhouse gases that cause global warming. The less the forests the more the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which will increase speed of global warming.


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...hrough marketplaces and the large customers and consumers. In order for people to understand this issue hundreds of protests were taken worldwide. Now the Greenpeace campaign is using recycled fiber for the manufacture of tissue products.

This agreement will support and sustain forest management along with the enlarged use of recycled fiber in the Kimberly- Clark products.

In order to stop climate change in the world we all must protect the boreal forests. This forest contains a lot of carbon on the planet which also contains a lot of greenhouse gases. If this carbon is released then our planet will be endangered.

Under the agreement, Kimberly- Clark ensures that 100 percent of the fiber which is used in the products will be from environmentally responsible sources. It will increase use of recycled fiber. This will help reduce the destruction of our forests.

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