Definition Essay: My Fear Of Fear

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Fear I have a fear of height.I really don’t know exactly what I fear about height but I just do.I wasn’t not born with fear of height; no one is.I was not born with fear of snake, bugs or clowns; it just happened.Fear is a self made idea. Fear is danger.For me danger is having fear of storms.When I was little I feared lightning and thunder.I felt like I was in danger every time the lightning struck and thunder clapped.Astraphobia, also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia, is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning.As I got older I found that I am not in danger when there is a storm.I realized that the fear of thunderstorm was a mind made idea that I created in my head. …show more content…

Fear is adrenaline. The rush I get when I am in a terrifying situation and don’t know what to do. A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress.Adrenaline only releases when there is an emergency situation.But some "situations" are mind-made.Like fearing the dark, there is nothing about dark that needes to be feared.You just think that there is something, as a result you stressed your self out and your adrenaline gets released. Fear is emotion.It is things that I make up/ imagination, its caused by overthinking ideas. Denotation of fear is An unpleasant feeling caused by belief that someone or something is danger likely to cause

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