Definition Essay About Thanksgiving

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Definition I was sitting at a large table with all my family surrounding me. My stomach was growling, and my mouth was nearly salivating for the delicious looking plate of steaming food in front of me. I quickly devoured the food, enjoying every bite. Then, once I was finished eating and everyone else was, we got together in the living room. We played games and chatted, because we hadn't all been together in months. Food, smiles, and good times were all abundant that day. The day explained was my Thanksgiving. While many people have different understandings of what Thanksgiving is in modern times, Thanksgiving is an annual cultural tradition where you acknowledge being thankful by getting together with family and having a wholesome meal. The origin of this tradition dates all the way to 1621. Pilgrims from Europe migrated to America in seek of religious freedom. Once on shore, the pilgrims settled and made a colony at a site called Plymouth. After the first years successful crops, the governor held a feast. He invited a friendly Native American tribe, called the Wampanoag, to join them. The …show more content…

This definition isn’t the definition I know as Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday and tradition, but it isn’t mainly focused around giving thanks to a god. It’s similar in how the holiday of Cinco de Mayo was formed to honor a military victory, but now it's celebrated for expressing Mexican culture for enjoyment purposes ( Staff). Nowadays, Thanksgiving is practiced for being thankful for your family and the food we have. The reason we gather up with our family and have a nice big meal, is because we are recognizing how thankful we are to have them. It is a day of thankfulness among ourselves, and not to a God, where we cherish and spend time with friends while having a

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