Defenses of Assault and Battery

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Defences of Assault and Battery In most crimes there are always defences to the offence that has been

committed, for example, if one is charged with murder, then a defence

of either provocation or diminished responsibility can be raised.

There are other defences such as mistake or intoxication.

In this case one will discuss when the defence of consent can be used

against a criminal charge.

For this essay we will be looking at the defence of assault and

battery, consent. But first we have to discuss what is assault and


Assault and battery are separate crimes, under S.39 of the Criminal

Justice act 1988. This was confirmed in the case of DPP vs. Little


In legal terms an assault means to cause V to apprehend force, for

example, waving a fist at someone's face is deemed an assault, while

battery means to apply force to V; for example, punching someone in

the face is a battery. Usually the two crimes are committed close

together. So for instance, drawing your fist back is an assault, and

then throwing the punch and connecting is a battery. Hence assault and


In the case of R vs. Clarence 1888 P consented to intercourse with D,

despite D knowing that he was suffering from a venereal disease, which

P did not know about. D was convicted of assaulting her, but his

appeal was allowed. It was held that because P consented to

intercourse with D there was no assault.

However, consent is not a defence to any offences under S.47 of the

Offences Against the Persons act 1861; this deals with assault

occasioning actual bodily harm (A...

... middle of paper ...

...medical attention was ever needed and there was no

permanent injuries where sustained. The police discovered the

activities by accident. All members were charged with various

offences, including ABH under S.47 and wounding under S.20.

They were convicted, and there appeal was dismissed.

It was held that in the opinion of the majority, public policy

requires the conviction of men participating in consensual

sadomasochistic homosexual encounters resulting in ABH and wounding,

so to protect society against a cult of violence with the danger of

corruption of young men.

This case shows that even though all men had consented to what they

was doing there was still no defence to what they had taken part in.

As it was said above crimes that affect and could influence the

society is a crime that should be convicted of.

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