Dead Girls Don T Lie By Jennifer Shaw Wolf

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The book “Dead Girls Don’t Lie” written by Jennifer Shaw Wolf focuses on a variety of different ideas and topics, mostly fixating the murder of the main character’s best friend Rachel. With this also comes gang violence, lost and found relationships, and the fact that some people will go to great extents in order to keep a lethal secret from the public eye. Rachel and Jaycee were best friends up until 6 months before where the book started. But, an altercation between them caused the breakup of their long lasted friendship. It is soon found out that Rachel was shot through her bedroom window, which is at first suspected to be gang violence. When Jaycee doesn’t answer her phone on the night Rachel was murdered, she received a text that circulates …show more content…

Some of those include Eduardo, Rachel’s old friend, Rachel herself, Manuel, the other person who was killed, and Evan and Skyler Cross, football playing brothers that are friends with Jaycee. Eduardo is the only person that Rachel says Jaycee can trust, which is the one-hundred percent truth. Jaycee starts to believe that she can trust the Cross brothers, but that is proved to be untrue. It turns out that the death of Manny and Rachel were considered accidents, but that is open for interpretation from the reader. Manny was killed the night Rachel and Jaycee snuck into the old house, when the football team was doing the “making the cut” initiation. This means that when in order to prove your loyalty to the football team, you have to carve your jersey number somewhere on your skin. The night Manny was supposed to prove his self worth is also the night that he fell on a knife and died. Nobody wanted him to die, it was just a freak accident caused by tension between Manny and Skyler. The fate of the football team was so important to this group of guys that they would blame a unsuspecting gang of killing poor Manny. Rachel unluckily walked up the stairs of the old house they were doing the initiation in that night and saw everything. The only way to shut her up was to kill her, and that’s exactly what happened. The fluctuating personalities of the characters in this book is what really helps drive the story towards success. Skyler, the one who killed Manny and was a contributor to the death of Rachel starts off as an innocent pretty-boy. At the end of the story, he turns out to be a danger to himself and those around him. “‘You will never have to see him again. The judge has decided he’s too mentally unstable to stand trial. As soon as he’s recovered from his injuries he’ll go into some sort of mental facility for children’” (Wolf 344). Many characters also change, in some ways

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