Daca Pros And Cons

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Six states led by Texas have sued the federal government in an attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (abbreviated as Daca). Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina, and West Virginia assert that it permits illegal immigrants to reside in America which according to them should be prohibited. They want to “immediately rescind and cancel all DACA permits currently in existence because they are unlawful” (Maggie Astor). The goal of these states is to prevent it from being issued or renewed in the future. The lawsuit is strange because President Trump is already planning to end the program so I think the states did that in order to push against it more. In September he told Congress that he wanted to diminish …show more content…

First of all, I have never heard about the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund until I read this article! This makes me really upset because we learn about all types of organizations and this non-profit is virtually unknown. Apparently their headquarters are in Los Angeles California which has a predominantly Latino population. Secondly, the lawsuit is only a way to make matters much worse. There is already debate about the future of DACA so even though the lawsuit is arousing Republicans it is aggravating the people that rely on it for medical care, food, and an education. If they did not want DACA they should have said something when Obama enacted it during his Presidency. This makes me extremely upset and worried about the children that use it for good purposes. These immigrants are not lazily using the government, they rely on our system because theirs did not really help them. I have friends that rely on Daca so that they can go to the college of their dreams so that they can have a good carrier and become a citizen. This is what makes me want to double major in college honestly, because though I love films there is so much corruption in law and it is

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