Cyberbullying: A Rhetorical Analysis

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Currently, many people believe that cyberbullying is a serious issue that should be taken care of by the government but others don’t think it’s that serious. Cyberbullying is destroying lives by making people depressed, doing badly in school and committing suicide. Cyberbullying can literally be deadly. A large amount of children and young adults commit suicide each year, which I would say is a pretty serious thing. The purpose of my recast is to emphasize the consequences of this problem and show the audience how victims feel when they are being cyberbullied. I try to show my audience what could be avoided by taking action and slowly stopping cyberbullying with the help of the government. I chose to portray my recast as a drama because that way I can kind of make them experience what a cyberbullying victim goes through. I appeal to my audience’s emotion and reason by the use of pathos and logos. I use pathos by showing them short scenes of the victim abusing drugs, cutting herself, etc. as well as using music and manipulating appearance with the use of makeup. I use logos by writing a couple slides at the end with …show more content…

If kids watch this video, they could realize what victims go through which would make them realize it’s bad and as a result stop cyberbullying. When college students watch this video, they may feel a relation to it due to the fact that a percentage of them could have been victims of cyberbullying themselves but managed to recover from it somehow. College students can help cyberbullying victims by bringing more awareness to the problem and providing support to fellow peers who may still be victims of cyberbullying. Ultimately, this video could also have an impact on parents that may or may not know their kid is a victim. Parents can be more aware of the signs and help their kids by being more supportive and fight to get a law passed to prevent cyberbullying from destroying their kid’s

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