Cruelty-free Cosmetics

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It still comes as a surprise to me that with all the technology in today’s society, we are still relying on animals for cosmetic research. Some people think that it is acceptable and even justified to test on mere animals rather than risk hurting people. So, for these kinds of people, animal testing makes perfect sense. However, in my opinion, animals are living creatures and have the right to live out their lives as nature intended rather than simply surviving in cages while being poked and prodded with whatever scientists fancy. I think it is depressing and sort of grotesque that I am using products that have been tested on animals that are even commonly bred as our pets. So, I began my research to find out what companies still test on animals, why they do so, and what other alternatives they could use in place of animal testing. I learned that drugs and cosmetics often contain chemicals that can be hazardous or have dangerous side effects. For example, a brand of mascara called Lash Lure caused many women to go blind and one woman even died because it contained a chemical that burned the skin when used as directed. After about 100 people died from using a cough syrup called Elixir Sulfanilamide, which was made toxic by its production method, the American public was faced with a decision and it caused our government to pass the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938. It is now required by law that cosmetics are tested for safety before being made available to the public. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in charge of overseeing drug and cosmetic testing today. Animal testing was the most widespread form of cosmetic testing considered proven, but the technology that is now available may replace the need for animal test... ... middle of paper ... ...rking has also empowered the traditional activists, like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). PETA is supporting cruelty free companies through their Beauty Without Bunnies Program. When you see their bunny logo, you know the product you are considering is cruelty-free. And, anyone with access to the internet can easily check their website at to find out if a cosmetic company they are interested in is complying with alternative testing or traditional animal testing. Companies currently producing cruelty-free cosmetics include: Lush Cosmetics, Affordable Mineral Makeup, 2nd love cosmetics, Bare Essentials, etc. And new ones keep on popping up. So, the solution is at hand with alternative testing and insisting that companies continue to develop testing methodologies that don’t involve live animals.

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