Crossfit Persuasive Essay

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CrossFit is everywhere these days. There are multiple deals online trying to entice people to sign up for a one-month trial. New “boxes” are popping up left and right. CrossFit is all over social media, magazines, and television. The question is, is it right for you? The only way to determine whether it’s right for you is to simply give it a try for yourself. Assuming you know nothing about CrossFit, I think it would be beneficial to do a little bit of research before signing up. CrossFit is promoted as “the sport of fitness.” In the world of CrossFit, the training philosophy is high-intensity functional movements that can be constantly varied to meet each individual’s capabilities. There are athletes of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels who …show more content…

Each class will typically start with some warm-up exercises, such as rowing or running combined with some bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, ring rows and squats. After completing these movements, the participants are advised to do some mobility work with a foam roller, lacrosse ball or a piece of PVC pipe. The purpose of this is to be proactive by stretching and loosening the muscles. Once everyone is warmed up, a new skill is taught to the group. Typically fifteen to twenty minutes is spent working on the assigned skill individually or with partners of similar strength. Once the skill work is done, then the WOD (work out of the day) is introduced. The foundation class is very similar to a regular class except that it is scaled down quite a bit to allow the newcomers to learn everything properly. The coaches place a very high priority on making sure all the participants are doing each movement correctly. This ensures a level of confidence, proper training of muscle memory and reduced chance for

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