Cross Training Essay

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Cross-training, often referred to as CrossFit, includes different full body exercises performed in high intensity. With such an intense exercise you need to have adaptable shoes which also protects your feet. Use the following guide to find the right pair of cross training shoes. In cross training, exercises are done if different successions with little time to rest. As your body needs to endure such a physical test, so should your shoes. It’s tricky really. Shoes need to be durable, but still comfortable. That’s a tough task, but it’s possible. As shown by Reebok shoes, known for being the top brand in terms of CrossFit footwear. Look for three key features when choosing a cross training shoe. Breathable and lightweight uppers. You don’t need the unnecessary weight when you’re training so your shoes should be lightweight. Also being breathable assures enough ventilation to keep away foot fatigue. Sweaty feet isn’t just about hygiene, it can also tire your feet and make them slippery. Whether the upper is leather or synthetic, make sure it’s breathable and does not carry extra weight. Also, check if the laces is secure. Cross training usually requires a lot of lateral movement, you want your feet to be secure during such movements. Low profile midsoles. Heavily padded midsoles are no longer the rage, especially for cross training shoes. CrossFit …show more content…

There are three types of feet—overpronators, underpronators and neutrals. Overpronators, because of their flat archs, need a lot of stability and control. They have the tendency to wear out the inside forefoot and outside of the heel. On the other hand, underpronators have high archs and will need shoes with a soft midsole and a lot of cushion. Most foot types are neutral, which means they can use regular shoes. If you’re not sure which type you belong to, look at the worn out areas of your shoes. Well-trained sports retail store staff will also be willing to help you determine your foot

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