Cross To Annex Research Paper

526 Words2 Pages

In the annex, life was rough, had to deal with many challenges. The annex was a small area so it was a hard place to take a lot of items. There was already of people living there, so if everybody brought a lot of items it would leave little room to move around, there wouldn’t be as much space in there. Certain items will have to be left behind because it could expose where you are, make too much noise or it would just take up too much space and it would there would be no use to it than just stay there. I would bring a cross because it will provide protection, safety, to rely on and for comfort. First of all, I would bring a cross to an annex because of protection. The cross for me it is very important. It allows me to know that we are protected we don’t worry so much because I know that something is protecting me and others. I know that we will be safe from danger, from anything happening to us for us not getting hurt. To protect for us not to suffer, to have many problems, with food water, from us not going crazy trapped in there. The cross will have protection and safety for everybody and everything. …show more content…

I know it can help us in a way, to calm us down, get through our many problems in the annex. To rely on to talk to while everybody doesn’t know what you are going through or just don’t want to talk about it to others. While everybody is having problems the cross have an eye out, on how to help, what to do next. On how to help us next time we really need it, really needed to get through tough times. Of the thought of being trapped in the a little room for extended period of time without many

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