Research Paper On Stephen King

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s horror novels

Stephen King, the master of American horror, is a famous and successful author. Most of his novels have been adapted for movies, which also affected many people. Stephen King has many successful movies like The Shawkshank Redemption, Carrie and The Shining. Many people like to read Stephen King's stories. In the novel, Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, the author described a lot on how Larry like to read and like to read Stephen King’s horror novels. In the novel chapter 1, “In his bedroom, piled with paperbacks…” Larry has many books in his house. He liked to read and read a lot of Stephen King’s novels. When Larry was shot and he stayed at hospital, Silas brought the Night Shift because he knew Larry liked to read these …show more content…

That's why the stories become so scared. Then, there's a question that how can King imagine this stories. In one of King’s interviews, he said “You use your experiences to make the fiction more real to the reader.”(Alter, Alexandra, the New York Times) So, some people considered that if there something happened in King’s early life that may affect his writing style. Some people found that King has seen one of his friend being struck and killed by a train in his childhood. King has no memory about this thing, but his family said that after he played with the boy, coming back, he was totally shocked. Some commentators suggested that this event may affected King’s horror work, because he also has written a story, The Body, which has a similar plot. This may affected by his …show more content…

According to the Biography website, “His books have sold more than 350 million copies worldwide and been adapted into numerous successful films”. (“Stephen King." He is a commercially successful author. The movies made him become a wealthy author. He rarely receive academic award. King not only focused on the novels but also he began to try write the TV series. The author also mentioned that “He has worked directly in television, writing for series like Kingdom Hospital and Under the Dome”. (“Stephen King." King has published a book, On Writing, to share and teach writers his experience and skills. According to an interview with King, “In his new book, Mr. King introduces each story, describing how he got the idea and what inspired him”. (Alter, Alexandra, the New York Times) The reason why King's works are so famous is simple, because they are really scary. His works showed horror in people’s daily life. The plot in his novels may the same common as everyone's daily life, however, it suddenly changed. Readers may even didn't prepare for the scary plot. Like Carrie, it is about a girl has super unnatural power and she explored her power in her school. That led to a lot of people died. The other stories also about pets, clowns and things around people. His novels reflect many problems in modern society and people’s mental

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