Creation God Research Paper

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There is a story line through Genesis all the way to Revelation, starting at creation to the restoration. Throughout the Bible God has showed us series of events of His great glory. All of the events has shaped our religion into what it is. As followers of Christ we should study and understand the timeline. He sets us, his followers, an example of how to live life to the fullest. Starting with creation God has already showed us his divine power. On the very first day he spoke light into existence. He had an image on how the world should be. He created the heavens and earth. For the earth He had a magnificent plane. He separated the water from land, created countless animals, and created the sky along with day and night. God created each human being in his own image. He did not have a physical image, but his internal emotions. We received his intellect, his emotions, and his creativity. He left us with the creation mandate. God told us to take dominion over the earth along with multiplying and being stewards. We can exercise the mandate by creating and studying more about the earth we live in. When someone …show more content…

This event is called the fall. It started with Satan in the garden with Adam and Eve. Satan had used his ways to tempt Eve. Eve had sinned and disobeyed God. When it happened they had realized many things. They started to feel ashamed. The perfect world was not perfect anymore, they started to feel self-shame. It caused them to hide from God. They blamed each other for what happened, saying it was Adams fault for not being with her or Eve’s fault because she ate it. This created the fall. God’s perfect world was broken. Humans now have been corrupted with sin. There was a brokenness in the relationship of God and Adam and Eve. This one event has caused what our world looks like now. We all sin on a daily basis, we are not a spiritual as we could be, and this brokenness between

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