Cost Of Education

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Defeating the Cost of Higher Education
Graduating high school and attending college may be considered the scariest transition into adulthood. But what’s scarier than not fully knowing where your future stand? Because of the rising cost of college, many students in hopes of perusing their dream job, or simply trying to achieve a degree in order to succeed are put in many predicaments, only because of the debt, trouble and stress they are dealing with through the process. The cost of tuition for out of state students, housing, and other book and schooling fees are dramatically increasing throughout the years. In fact, according to William Elliot, “28% of students after graduating college are likely to put off going to college, and even more …show more content…

Having a steady, reliable job is one of the many ways to achieve it. As Courtney Campbell once said “One out of the average five high school students will discontinue their dream job simply because of the cost” (Campbell 71). By allowing more access to jobs, long life careers and other life changing opportunities, this can create a pathway straight for success. Because of the rising cost of education this is holding back students from making the move to succeeding in college. If the cost of higher education was lowered even by a couple percentages, this would dramatically increase the likelihood of more students attending college, and receiving that degree. “Research has been conducted over the past two years all across the world in the cost of a higher education, along with the admission and failure rates of college students, leaving a correlation of 76% surveyed by students of that are of the area” (Dao 258). Finding a job that you want to do for the rest of your life seems easy, picking the right career according to your specific interest and hobbies are all of the common things someone has thought of at least one point in their lives. But obtaining the knowledge, going through the stress of homework, test and time and on top of being in thousands of dollars of debt doesn’t sound like the ideal plan for a young adult freshly graduating high school. So, if the cost of a higher …show more content…

“If the cost of college was lowered, or even free let’s say, a survey studied 23% among students around the age of 18-25 agree that they would take it less serious (Stewart 16).” This would create new issues with students passing and getting their money’s worth. Although this is a possibility, many students would work harder, try more, and the debt of a higher education would be one less worry. Angela Boatman once said, “Students are even taking stands, going on strike and protesting in many states, in order to lower the cost of higher education, making their experience more enjoyable and stress free.” (Boatman

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