Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Moreover to changes the media has cause us to make, cosmetic surgery been the gateway to our body dissatisfaction. The difference between cosmetic and plastic is for aesthetic purposes. Cosmetic surgery is to change the appearance of facial features and body dissatisfactions. Plastic surgery is to demolish any flaws that are scars, burns or areas where it dysfunction. Cosmetic surgery has been highly influenced by the media. The first plastic surgery was during the world war 1. The surgery was commonly performed on soldiers to restore their faces after the war. We adapted the cosmetic and plastic surgery as a norm activity when we don’t like our features. People are pressured to be wrinkle-free, thin and beautiful (Bawdon para. 4). Magazine …show more content…

Advertisement for cosmetic surgery are everywhere from the front page on the magazine by the block to the television commercials. Surgery has been deeply impact to younger groups of kids. It has become at table discussion at dinner nowadays. A young girl got a nose job, rhinoplasty to make more symmetrical. She didn’t think she was ugly she just wanted her face to be proportional. The summer after school one of her friends got one. Girls at her praised her for her new nose. Everyone was so much impressed they booked an appointment for themselves. “ Magazine have pushed the envelope on what it means to be beautiful and surgery is a nowadays way to deal with body issues” Perloff para 12). Cosmetic surgery has become an epidemic (Fresh Faces para.22). There is nothing wrong getting a Botox, or breast augmentation but there are some dangerous procedures. Everyone has a heard at least one story of a cosmetic surgery fail. Recently Instagram has been flooded with the news of a girl, Sarah Tehar getting multiple of surgery to look like Angelina Jolie. Many can say it is an epic fail. She has went under the knife fifty times to like her idol , Angelina Jolie. Although gaining popularity on Instagram, she been nicknamed “zombie”. Cosmetic procedure are not a bad thing at all, the problem is use to boost self-esteem(Fresh …show more content…

It has set our minds to believe in cosmetic enhancement are the way to go to make us feel better. Eating disorders have taken up the lives of people. We are surrounded by thin models, creams and weight loss drink. We are laughed and shamed for having any flaw and not being ultra-thin. Eating disorder should be talked about to know any signs of it and allow to get some help if need. Cosmetic surgery should not be taken lightly and know the risks. There are multiple other ways to boost self-esteem and cosmetic surgery isn’t the only way. The best result are with patience and having a healthy goal. Mass media is a technology advancement, but it has contributed a lot to poor body image. Keeping up with the media has become a job , we should try keeping up with our health and well-being

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