Corruption And Corruption In South Africa

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Corruption and fraud is a relevant topic in South Africa and will continue to be so until it is able to be limited. Corruption is committed mainly by people in power as they neglect and take advantage of this power in order to better themselves at the expense of others. Fraud and corruption is the wrongful or criminal deception that results in financial or personal gain. Government officials, police officers and some unexpected individuals such as law officials have been known to commit corruption and fraud. There have been cases of corruption in the 2014 elections and the political parties have seen that it is something the community is concerned over. Each party has addressed this concern and suggested ways in which to limit this corruption. Not only is corruption morally wrong, but it causes trust problems between the community and people in power, the people who are meant to help society. (1)
There are ample cases of corruption and fraud in South Africa. All of which have a common theme of using money that does not belong to people or participating in bribes to either gain money or receive special treatment. Police chief, Bheki Cele was accused of corruption in 2013. He was under investigation, along with a government minister. During property deals in police headquarters in Pretoria and Durban, it was found that the deal was conducted in an improper, unlawful and maladministrative manner. The leasing of th...

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...d perhaps get away with the crime. (5)
The first thing the youth could do to help reduce corruption is stop paying bribes and do not allow our friends and family to do so either. We need to be honest with ourselves and try to be loyal to the community we live in. morals and values are developed at home, so if we treat our home, school and environment with respect, corruption will be limited in the future generations. If the youth learns today of the immoral behavior of corruption, the next generation of police officers, government official and people in power will have the skills and values to not commit fraudulent behavior. The can be taught to observe traffic laws, not to throw garbage around, respect elders and the law of the land. Youth can arrange Awareness programs like conferences and seminars in schools to help make society conscious about their acts. (6)

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