Congress The Electoral Connection David Mayhew Summary

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The excerpt “Congress: The Electoral Connection” written by David Mayhew centers around the fundamental arguments that discusses how members of congress are self-interested for reelection. Mayhew further elaborates on his idea by discussing the electoral activities that congress members devote their time into and resource from, which are advertising, credit-claiming, and position taking. Mayhew’s excerpt further examines the framework in how congress operates which contributes to the explanation of how and why congress partakes in the certain electoral activities. The first activity that was presented by Mayhew is due to the tremendous advertising that the members undertake. Through advertising, a congressman is able to build a favorable reputation for himself which will then attract voters. Although the incumbent’s image can have “little or no issue content,” it is still important to gain credibility from the voters so reelection of the specific incumbent can be achieved. Different ways that congressman advertise are through frequent visits to their district, mailings or letters sent to homes, and “nonpolitical speeches to home audiences.” With …show more content…

Building good will with the people must be accomplished by making the members work with the voters. Congressmen will claim credit for good deeds done in certain districts so that the electors will honor the incumbent’s achievements by reelecting them for office. Mayhew states that the claims must be credible in order for the voters to believe them. Incumbents also take part in casework, such as bringing a “supplier of goods to the home district,” that way more trust is instilled within the congress members. Claims made can be perceived as either trustworthy or not, ultimately it beyond the voters discretion to decide

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