Concussions In Sports

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They are always at the school so you can ask them a question or have them evaluate someone when needed and it costs nothing if one goes to the doctor, they could spend over $100 per visit.
The athletes that play one sport versus multiple sports all relate to the ethics of preventing sports injuries. A big topic of this pathway is the coaches’ role. A coach should know what’s right from what’s wrong when it comes to his or her player. When a player looks like he/she is tired then the coach should take the player out of the game. If the coach leaves them in the game they are more susceptible to injuries [Graham]. Another example is if a football player gets hit hard in a play then he should come out of the game and get evaluated for a concussion. …show more content…

An injury common to football and soccer players are concussions. Concussions are a very serious injury and are taken very seriously in professional sports. Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries. They are caused by a blow to the head or body that results in the brain moving rapidly back and forth inside the skull [Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America]. Some common sports that have caused concussions is football, hockey, and soccer. Sports organizations have developed a “concussion protocol” so each head injury is tested and treated the same. First, they test the athlete for any observable signs of a concussion and ask the athlete is he feels any symptoms. Then, if the trainer suspects that the athlete has a concussion they remove him from the game and go inside for further evaluation [Higgins]. This “concussion protocol” is actually very important and serious because more and more studies are finding that high school athletes that have gotten concussions during sports are going to have brain damage when they are older. This brain damage can also lead to other …show more content…

The balls that can be pitched by 13-14 year old is 95 with four or more days of rest. The balls that can be pitched by 15-16 year old is 95 with four or more days of rest. The balls that can be pitched by 17-18 year old is 105 with four or more days of rest. Lastly, the balls that can be pitched by 19-22 year old is 120 with four or more days of rest [Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America]. A lot of different people think that better pitching regulations should be put into place. For example, lower the amount of pitches that can be thrown for each age group. These pitching regulations will hopefully lower the number of overuse injuries, UCL tears and other elbow injuries. Research has shown that the amount of competitive pitching while fatigued is strongly linked to the UCL injury [Wright]. The UCL injury also known as the Tommy John Injury is when your UCL has to be reconstructed and surgically graft a tendon from somewhere else in the body. The injury results from repetitive use of the elbow during the violent motions involved with throwing a baseball. Little League and Cal Ripken have enacted pitch counts for their league games…Mike Bell firmly believes some of these guys are not getting enough recovery time between starts and/or appearances [Wright]. Andrews also thinks that young pitchers are throwing too hard, without the proper mechanics. The best professional pitchers

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