Comparison Of King Henry V And Sir Winston Churchill

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King Henry V and Sir Winston Churchill were very different people, living in very different times. However, they did have some strong similarities because of what they did and how they did it. Both King Henry V and Sir Winston were of high social ranking and power, a King and a Prime Minister. Both of these men were important leaders in difficult times of conflict. Both had armies, whom they led into battle. Though they were often victorious, the armies of both Churchill and King Henry V were not particularly strong armies, with few skilled fighters and were often outnumbered and thought to be unable to win. But both armies, whilst considered underdogs, were known for their courage in battle and perseverance in fighting. The men fighting in …show more content…

I pray thee, wish not one man more”

On the other hand, Winston Churchill uses logos with more depth when he talks about the progress of the Army, the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force during the war. He provides information on what is going on, what needs to happen and what he expects his people to do. Both leaders to explain their certain strategy to an extent and why they want what they want to happen through the use of logos. This helps to build trust and convince people that this is the right way forward. This is known to be an effective strategy for gaining widespread appeal and support.

The final technique used is called peroration. The final part of a speech is very important, as it needs to summarise what has been said. Peroration is an important technique in the final rousing part of a speech as it serves to remind the audience of the main points and influences their final decision. This strategy is very important because it ties the speech back to the main point. It reminds the audience of the whole point of the speech, why it was written, delivered and what relevance it has to the group it is being delivered to. This technique is common in war speeches because it is just a summary of the main point of the speech, why you should fight and what you are fighting for. Churchill uses this technique when he says, “turning once again, and this time more generally, to the question of invasion. ” This reminds the audience of his focus and importance. King Henry …show more content…

Both of these men are considered successful leaders because of the battles they have led their armies to win and the way they have rose to defeat severe circumstances on the battlefield. The reason behind the success of the armies led by these men is the inspiration that their soldiers have had to fight. This inspiration came in the form of war speeches, which were very effective because of the techniques incorporated into both of these speeches. The techniques discussed that overlap in both King Henry V’s ‘St. Crispin’s Day’ speech and Winston Churchill’s ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’ speech include pathos, egos, logos and peroration. These techniques provide a large contribution to why both of these speeches were so renowned, why they led to military success and why they were so galvanizing to the armies and people when delivered.

“I have never accepted what many people have kindly said, namely that I inspired the nation. It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.”
-Winston Churchill,

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