Comparing Zefferelli's Production of Romeo and Juliet with Luhrman Production

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Comparing Zefferelli's Production of Romeo and Juliet with Luhrman Production In this essay I am going to write how the production of Romeo In Franco Zeffirelli's production of Romeo and Juliet, the setting and language are of a traditional, realistic nature. This is in complete contrast to Baz Luhrmans production, with the exception of the language used in both productions. Zefferelli's production however is far more effective, as he has tried to keep the film close to the original script and intended exactly how Shakespeare wrote it. This approach clearly portrays the concept Shakespeare is trying to demonstrate and it sincerely aids understanding, as Zefferelli has kept it original. Zefferelli has done a very good creating the right atmosphere as how lifestyle was like in Shakespeare's time, this is clearly shown by the Shakespearean costumes worn in Zefferellis production. As Zefferelli uses the commonsensical, original approach, he directs the film using the continuity style of editing; this tells the story, using a logical pattern or sequence the film simply flows and does not jump from scene to scene. The objective of Zefferelli I believe was just to bring Shakespeare's script to life, to help people to understand the moral and storyline better. On the other hand I believe Luhrmans objectives were far different to Zefferellis, I feel Luhrman was somewhat touched by the storyline, inspired or found it worthwhile, therefore decided to make a blockbuster, entertaining film from it. This approach is far more appealing and gives interest to the majority. Luhrman uses the MTV style of editing, this is completely diff... ... middle of paper ... ...o find the novelty in the action. Some of the situations may be familiar; we may be able to anticipate the ending; and the characters (who should not really be different from everyday people we meet). Having said this most people today like to see a new story, a new moral. This is a demand that every director tries to fulfil. Shakespeare's audience had different expectations, they were happy to be given stories they recognised. A final note, I believe Zefferellis production is successful in the way that it presents the play very accurately and aids understanding and gives, one historic knowledge of the period. Nevertheless, Luhrman's production is far more thrilling and great to watch, having said this; it also follows the story well. The film is very entertaining to watch and vastly appeals to the modern generation.

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