Comparing Wesley Harris And Jeffery

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Wesley Harris and Jeffery had many qualities that were similar and many that were different. Wesley Harris and Jeffery are both the same, because they are both slaves who worked on plantations farms. Jeffery Harris was a bold person, because in the passage Jeffery said ‘’Young Mas’r, Dorcas prime woman--A1 woman, sa’’. ‘’Tall gal, sir; long arms, strong, healthy, and can do a heap of work in a day’’. The reason that he’s a bold person is, because he kept on begging and begging to his master to buy Dorcas the women that he loved. And he was also a brave person, because he was brave enough to asked his master to buy the women that he love.And Wesley Harris goal was to free and he succeeded to be able to be free . And they both suffered consequences.

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