Antigone News Channel

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Comparing The Chorus of Sophocles' Antigone and America's News Channels

The Greek Chorus is very similar to America's news channels because it brings the people the news in a way that they can understand it. The play Antigone by Sophocles is a tragic drama structured around the argument between a king and two sisters about the burial of their brother. Antigone can be compared to the conflict surrounding granting illegal immigrants amnesty. The Chorus is a group of people who provide background information, interpret the information, and relate it to human nature. The Chorus in Antigone tells the pros and cons of both sides of the story and adds important information needed to fully understand the conflict. The Greek Chorus serves …show more content…

After Antigone and Ismene converse about the burial of their brother, the chorus steps in setting the mood and providing background information. "Now the long blade of the sun, lying level east to west, touches with glory Thebes of Seven Gates. Open, Unlidded" (Sophocles 314). This shows that at that point in the play, it is morning and the sun has risen. It sets the tone and describes the setting for the next scene. On a news channel, background information is also provided. "Over eleven million illegal immigrants are already living in America" (Buchanan). This tells the viewer how serious the topic is by using such large numbers and giving facts. This statement will also-strike a nerve with many people because it is saying that 11 million people have committed the same crime their country. As you can see, there is a great similarity between the Greek and American way of providing background …show more content…

I have learned that ancient history usually seems like it is completely insignificant, but when closely examined it has the same elements as today's society. These elements are just presented in a different way. Sophocles was a very wise man and he probably made this realization himself. The connections that have been made allow me to be able to teach others that history is important and its knowledge is necessary to succeed in the future. Sophocles' Antigone taught me a great deal of knowledge and about history's relevance and life in

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