Hero's Journey in The Road and Epic of Gilgamesh

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In the two stories, The Road by Cormac McCarthy and “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, Gilgamesh and the father both experience stages in the hero’s journey. Throughout the different stages, the two characters face similar challenges that depend on their survival, meet with mentors that teach them respect and how to maintain their goodness, and face deaths that cause transformations of the different characters. The two characters also face differences in their stories including making decisions to go on their adventures versus not having the option to, and containing knowledge about what dangers they face.
Both stories include mentors that teach the heros how to act properly and maintain their humanity. In the beginning of The Road, the father has …show more content…

In the beginning of The Road, the son clarifies with his father that they are heading south and the father responds, “yes. So we’ll be warm” (McCarthy 10). The father and son decide to travel south in order to stay warm, which is their call to adventure. This decision was forced upon them because of their only other option is to freeze to death during the winter, unless they move south to a warmer region on the coast. In Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh decides to kill Humbaba and climb the Cedar Mountain because “when those in time to come remember the great names of the past, [he] would like [his] name to be among them. [He] will bring the names of the heavenly gods with [him], so that they too will be remembered” (“Gilgamesh” 34). Gilgamesh decides to make his name immortal for all people to remember, so he decides to complete an impossible task and kill the giant, Humbaba. This decision that Gilgamesh has made to kill Humbaba is different than the reason for the father and son’s call to adventure because the father and son have to make the decision to move south in order to survive. Their life depended on making this decision. Gilgamesh decides to go on his hero’s journey because he wants to make his name legendary and immortal for all people to

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