Comparing Erikson's Four Stages Of Development

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The principal objective of this paper is to compare each theorist with my own and see if the person is as mature as the stage there suppose to be in. Intimacy versus isolation is the sixth stage of Erik Erikson’s theory of development. It takes place during young adult between the ages of 19-40. During this period of time, young adults starts to form and find loving intimate relationships with other sexies. Formal-operational is the 4th stage in Piaget’s theory this is when the the young adult start to mentally operate and applied to abstract ideas, and use logical systematic thinking. As for Kohlberg’s theory that dealt with young adults its in the third level of postconventional. Postconventional level is the highest level of moral development. Stages of Development in Young Adults Intimacy is what people associate with their relationships to help keep it long lasting. However, to have those kind of relationship in life, you have to have the ability to be able to experience closeness with others than themselves. To be able to experience intimacy, you have to have a sense of your own identity. Only when you know yourself, thats when you can move on and merge your identity with the person you're in an intimate relationship with. According to developmental psychologist Erikson, “Intimacy vs. Isolation” is the six stage that reaches into adulthood. When you’ve …show more content…

While the interviewer was questioning Helsing, the interviewer notice he was uncomfortable and don’t like to be asked personal questions, but the interviewer made small talk or try and make the him Helsing more comfortable. As you can see the above answer that Helsing gave to these question. Helsing like to be in control, he wants to let people in but its hard for his ego, especially that he dont like anyone to see that he care about

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