Compare and Contrast The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is one of the most known novel and movie in the United States. Fitzgerald is the creator of the novel The Great Gatsby; many want to recreate his vision in their own works. Being in a rewrite of the novel or transforming literature in cinema. Luhrmann is the most current director that tried to transform this novel into cinema. However, this is something many directors have tried to do but have not succeeded. Luhrmann has made a good triumph creating this movie. Both Fitzgerald’s and Luhrmann’s approach to The Great Gatsby either by using diction, symbolism, transitions from one scene to another, and color symbolism usage in both the text and the movies; illustrate how Daisy and Gatsby still have an attraction for one another, and how they might want to rekindle their love. In chapter five of The Great Gatsby, we are told that Daisy is invited over to her cousin Nick’s house for tea—being that she does not know that Gatsby is going to be there. On Daisy’s arrival to Nicks house, Nick narrates their entrance into his home, and how Daisy is going to walk into an “overwhelming surprise” (Fitzgerald 85). Fitzgerald’s diction is very limited in the sense that there is not descriptive diction leading into imagery: that allows us to paint a picture. The shifts of scene are very rapid. However, in Luhrmann’s movie version, there is a better portrayal of this scene. Before, Daisy’s arrival we know Gatsby is in Nick’s living room; we still believe that Gatsby is still in there. Leading us into the illusion to Daisy’s reaction, causing us to believe that she has seen Gatsby and how she is in shock. The long pause, the line Daisy says, the music, are all very well incorporated; because she has not seen Gatsby in five years, a... ... middle of paper ... ...a simple action, they showered how Daisy might have some resentment to how she feels towards Gatsby. And then thinking if Gatsby is asking too much of Daisy. In conclusion, as we saw through diction, symbolism, transitions, and colors symbolism, both Fitzgerald and Luhrmann both illustrate how in the beginning Daisy and Gatsby did find there original feelings for one another, but how later on those feeling began to disintegrate. However, who did it better? Fitzgerald or Luhrmann? But the answer to that is that, neither one nor the other did a better job than the other. Because, with cinema, we can always have the scene presented in front of us while in literature we are able to create an image that we believe can be true. Therefore, when coming to the overall theme of Daisy and Gatsby affection for one another, both Fitzgerald and Luhrmann created a marvelous job.

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