Compare And Contrast Tom Buchanan In The Great Gatsby

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Meet Tom Buchanan, “The Polo Player”, a rich, old money man who resides in East Egg. Then there’s George Wilson, a poor mechanic who lives and owns a gas station in the Valley of Ashes. They are two characters from the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. These men, however on opposite ends of the social order, share some similarities, but they also are different when it comes to women, their cheating wives, as well as how they show violence. Similarly, both men deeply love their wives. George is devastated by Myrtle's death. Tom makes his love known when Daisy (Tom’s spouse) is about to leave him: “He nodded sagely, “And what’s more, I love Daisy too...”(Fitzgerald 131). Tom, although loving his wife, cheats and takes advantage of women. George however, seems to be loyal and treats women with respect. …show more content…

Tom actually only lost his temper once after Myrtle bad mouthed Daisy, followed by Tom throwing a punch at Myrtle’s face, ultimately breaking her nose. George also hits Myrtle, however, he slapped her after discovering that she’s been unfaithful. The difference between the two begins when their limits are pushed. George gets extremely violent, going as far as to kill the man who supposedly killed his wife. Tom actually gets less violent. He begins to throw around, carefully placed accusations to undermine his enemies. For example, “...I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and I wasn’t far wrong.”

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