Compare And Contrast The Dance Styles Of The 1920's

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1920’s Dance Styles
Popular dances like “crank that Soulja Boy” and “teach me how to dougie” wouldn’t exist today if it weren’t for the dance styles of the 1920’s. The 1920’s breathed new life into dancing due to prohibition and the rise of jazz in popularity. Before the 1920’s, dancing was seen as a formal event with but because of movies, dancing became more casual and gone were the restrictions of the early 1900’s. The dances in the 1920’s brought new styles and new rhythms to a variety of dance floors.
These new dance styles were held in the biggest and smallest of places. The biggest and most competitive of these places were called Dance Marathons, also known as walkathons. These marathons had couples dancing away in competition with one …show more content…

People had a lot of money to spend after the war, new fashion trends were popping up in every corner of the United States, and the nightlife became the center for social life. When the outlawing of alcohol started, the nightlife died but only for a short time. Many jazz clubs known as speakeasies kept the nightlife going and soon enough everybody was trying to get into one. What made these clubs grow so much in popularity was that it was a social place where people were able to both buy alcohol and dance. Both men and women alike were in the same crowded room and there was socializing, flirting, and dancing between the two sexes. Clubs during the 1920’s had played a major role in taking down the wall that separated men and women.”For the first time, women went out to drink too and occupied the same dark small, dark spaces as …show more content…

The Waltz isn’t a new dance but the dance had evolved from what it was in the past and became less directional. The dance was meant to be a slower dance than all the popular dances of the 1920s and it was more passionate and romantic. The most popular ballroom dance style was the Foxtrot and it just so happened that it was the easiest dance also. This dance consisted of smooth walking and could be danced to both fast and slow jazz tempos making it easy to transition between the two whenever the music switches up. The Foxtrot can be danced with simple steps if that was how the person felt was better or it could be danced with a series of complex steps meaning that it was a customizable dance. The Tango is another popular ballroom dance and came from Argentina. It’s popularity skyrocketed after “Rudolf Valentino performed it for a movie named Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”(Nelson). The Tango arrived to the dance scene earlier than all the other dances, making its first appearance in 1912. The Tango was a passionate dance meant to be danced with a partner and the steps had a distinct vibe that added a sense of drama to the dance.There were also other popular mentions: The Shimmy which was banned from most dance halls because of its impurity and was also known in gypsy dances, The Black Bottom which eventually beat the Charleston and became the number

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