Compare And Contrast The Black Veil And Sinners

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In the light of Nathaniel Hawthorne's “The Black Veil”, and Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners”, evidence helps support Hawthorne's claim and theme for the story. The theme of Hawthorne’s Black Veil is everyone has a secret sin, even if they don't have a black veil. This claim can be made by Hawthorne’s intense and serious writing style. Hawthorne supports the idea in his story that everyone has a sin that no one, except for God, knows about and he uses the black veil in the story as a physical piece to show that the minister in the story is hiding his sins. In Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners”, Edwards makes a claim that to Fear God, because he is the only one holding you out of Hell. God knows what you have done, don't try and act innocent. The following paragraphs will help support Edward’s style and how it was more effective to reach out to readers …show more content…

He writes in a third person type of format and tells a story. Hawthorne wants the readers to put themselves into the minister’s shoes. By doing so we experience wearing a black veil to hide our sins away from God. But aren't we always wearing a black veil? We always hide our sins, only God knows every right and wrong we have ever done. A black veil is real but in the story it is physical, this is what Hawthorne was trying to tell the readers. Our black veil is invisible but the ministers was physical and if we had a real one we would be judged differently by everyone. Edwards used a more historic writing style with that hell on earth type of feel. Edwards wanted to get to the readers by scaring them, putting them, in their place, wanting them, to realize the bad that happens when you sin and try to hide your sin from God. If God is the only one holding you out of Hell, why would you hide your sins, sin, and do wrong by God? Its question needing answered and Edwards helped put it in a better perspective f0or all

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