Compare And Contrast The Allegory Of The Cave And The Truman Show

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Allegory of The Cave versus The Truman’s Show
From the beginning of the time, when civilization was still building and growing, many were searching of what the truth was really about in this world, for instance, the Greek Philosophers. In the present, The transformation of the past and the future is so vast and astonishing because time was capable of affecting the humans significantly. There is no doubt that there is a vast gap between ancient days and the present modern day, however, Greek Philosopher Plato’s work, The Allegory Of The Cave is greatly relatable to the movie called, The Truman Show. Plato’s work, Allegory of the Cave and the movie, The Truman Show, share a mutual development in the situation of the plot and symbolism, which …show more content…

Likewise, Truman the protagonist in the movie was held captive in the fake world called, The SeaHaven Island. Truman was adopted by the “false parents” and has been living on the island since birth. Even though Truman was given a better depiction in the false world by gaining a loving and caring wife, a friend that could share personal thoughts with and having a good occupation, yet Truman still had a boundary in which he was contained in, not allowed to see or explore the world due to the responsibilities he had in the false world. Both incidents in the novel and the movie were held as the major problem. Plato had created this plot in Allegory of The Cave in order to show the steps of how a true philosopher goes through in order to be educated, where as Andrew Niccol the screen play writer of the movie was inspired to write this movie due to an episode of watching The Twilight Zone. While both writers had different reasons to write these two stories, their plots were similar as they were both held prisoners in the false reality that they were …show more content…

For instance, the chains that had held the prisoners captive were actually limitations in order to not look around the cave. Due to the chains that held the prisoners captive it forced them to see certain things from a certain viewpoint, not letting them assess or analyze the world beyond the cave, in other words, the prisoners were forced to not know what the actual reality was. In the same way, the sea in, The Truman’s show, was a symbol of restriction. A restraint so extensive,

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