Compare And Contrast Mark Antony And Brutus's Speech

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Both Brutus and Mark Antony were dear friends with Julius Caesar, that had been emphasized heavily throughout both of their speeches, though much more so in Brutus's speech. But yet, this would not stop Brutus from killing Caesar. Throughout all of Brutus's speech, he would keep insinuating that there was no one that had loved Caesar more than Brutus himself.
"As Caesar lov’d me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him."
Three out of the four statements in that sentence was Brutus saying that he was with Caesar no matter the situation; That he and Caesar had been connected on an emotional level. While doing this, he would yet again give you the feeling that there
Brutus had spoke in such a way that no one would dare speak against him. By speaking against Brutus, in its context, they would have been perceived as a vile being that has no love for their own country. Brutus's target audience doesn't appear to be the most intelligent group of people, making it so Brutus can easily manipulate his audience with words, hence why no one could speak against Brutus during his speech. Mark Antony had a much different approach to the situation, unlike Brutus who was trying to justify killing Caesar to his audience, Antony spent his time making sure you questioned whether or not Brutus's killing Caesar was justified or not. By doing this, Mark Antony was able to make you question Caesar's death, and wonder if Brutus was lying about his motive for killing Caesar in the first place. Mark Antony's audience was most likely a smarter group of individuals, due to how heavy his speech was and how it was delivered. Overall, I believe Brutus had a better target audience for his speech. Thanks to his target audience, he was able to justify killing Caesar and not be opposed by his peers while doing so. But with all that said, I believe that Mark Antony had the better overall speech. While Brutus's speech was very repetitive about his love for Caesar and how Caesar was too ambitious, Mark Antony made sure that you question Brutus's motives, and also made sure you know that Caesar's "ambitions" were not half as corrupt as Brutus had made him out to be. So in the end, Mark Antony had an all around better speech than Brutus, allowing me to see through Antony’s point of view better than through

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