Compare And Contrast John Smith And William Bradford

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Captain John Smith and William Bradford have differences as well as the colonies they were responsible for.Their colonies were diverse in the ways they were managed; what they grew, the laws that kept order, what their export items were, what religions they tolerated and also how the occupants acted. Both of these individuals had different ways to look at things. Although Captain John Smith and his Jamestown were so different to the Plymouth plantation and their leader William Bradford, they also had some differences due to the fact that they were both from England and both of their colonies were helped by the natives. Captain John Smith and William Bradford both have the same background referring to the place they were born, England. Both of their colonies came to the West Indies (America). Plymouth was founded for the purpose of religious tolerance. Plymouth was founded by a group of religious separatists from the church of England. They believed that the Anglican …show more content…

They were there for the riches and the treasures. People in Jamestown were selfish and really didn't about anything but themselves, they were constantly looking to get rich. ¨… so moved our dead spirits as we deposed him and established Radcliffe in his place¨ (smith 73). This shows just how self centered the people in Jamestown were. They did not really care if their leader died , as long as they were well and lived a good life they did not care about others. On the other hand the Pilgrims were more selfless. They actually helped one another and wanted everyone to be well . ¨...hazard of their own health, fetched them wood, made them fires, made their beds, clothed and unclothed them.¨ (Bradford 81). This shows that the Pilgrims actually thought about others and they knew that they were a part of a group and that not all actions should be based on what would be better for oneself but better for

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