Compare And Contrast Gilgamesh Vs Noah

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“A man of distinguished courage or ability,admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities” (“hero”). A hero is a person who cares for people, is determined to obtain his goals, and is very brave and lets no one stop him from achieving his dreams. Gilgamesh is a man who is also part god that has lost his best friend Enkidu and now searches for eternal life due to the death of his friend. Noah is a very religious man who the Lord trusted very much and was tasked with building an arch and housing animals and his family in it to save them from an incoming flood. They are both epic heroes from their respective stories. Gilgamesh is a better example of an epic hero then Noah because he is a brave, caring, and determined person.
Gilgamesh is far more brave than most “heroes” in stories let alone Noah. Gilgamesh endured many frightening obstacles while on the other hand the most frightening thing Noah dealt with was the animals he had to load into the arch. Gilgamesh states “Although I …show more content…

The entire story Gilgamesh laments his friends passing. Gilgamesh lamented “Now I will pray to the great gods, for my friend has had an ominous dream” (Sandars 141). This shows Gilgamesh’s true kindness, his best friend Enkidu had a dream of his death and the afterlife and Gilgamesh prays to his gods to try and save his friends life because he cares for him so. Meanwhile Noah is the opposite of caring and only cares for his life and enjoyment. Noah had left the rest of the world to be flooded out and die while he only saved his family. And another event of Noah’s lack of a heart “Cursed be Canaan; The lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers” (“noah… 175). Noah had cursed his own son to being a slave because his son had covered himself (noah) when he was drunk and naked. It is quite obvious that Gilgamesh was far more caring then Noah. Right along with Gilgamesh’s kind heart he is also a very determined

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