Comparative Analysis: Yossarian and Gilgamesh

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Post-modern writers usually used classical literature as a guideline when writing their novels, this was done to convey certain messages which made them have universal relevancy. This will be proven by considering the similarities and differences that Yossarian from Catch 22 has with Gilgamesh from The Epic of Gilgamesh. The focus will be on archetypal plots, characters and themes to prove that Yossarian is based on Gilgamesh.
It is important to note that these two characters are not the same type of hero. Gilgamesh is an archetypal hero whereas Yossarian is an existential hero. As an archetypal hero it was foreseen that Gilgamesh would be a man of authority but Yossarian gained his state of authority due to his bravery. On page 139 chapter 13 of Heller’s novel Catch-22 Colonel Cathcart said “And we’ll make him captain, too.” Thus, Yossarian and Gilgamesh are similar in terms of authority but differ in the means of how they’ve achieved this authorial state. Gilgamesh was born into authority whereas Yossarian was given his authority.
In other aspects they are also very much similar, like when considering how they treat women and the deal they made to stay alive. The women in their lives are seen as stereotypes out of a certain …show more content…

Bot make deals with other people to help prolong their lives. Yossarian makes a deal with Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn where he can go home if he pretends to be friends with them to only find that he was used. Gilgamesh makes a deal with Utnapishtim to attain immortality. Gilgamesh has to stay awake for a week to attain it but he fails almost immediately. Their actions are justified in them constantly admitting that they are afraid of dying. Gilgamesh admits to his fear of dying and tried to do something to save himself. Yossarian admits he is afraid of dying but because he says this people think that he is insane rather than him just telling the truth and being

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