Compare And Contrast Freaks And Geeks

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Freaks and Geeks is a show set back in 1980s over what life was like for the average high school teenager. The show goes over multiple dilemmas each episode that focus on two or more stereotypical teens in this time. The show focuses mainly on a pair of siblings named Lindsey and Sam. In this show you have your geek kids, like Sam, who are so awkward no one else talks to them. Then you have your so called “freaks” who aren’t afraid to get into trouble just for the fun of it, which is what Lindsey aspires to be like. While watching this show I have come to identify more with the geeks in this show rather than the freaks. More specifically, I would consider myself much like Lindsey’s younger brother Sam. Sam is almost the epitome of a geek. While his friend Bill fits the textbook description \of it more, Sam is …show more content…

He gathers up all of the family valuables and places them in a room to keep the kids away from them. Even while doing a morally right thing by switching the kegs, Sam goes the extra mile to not only keep himself from getting in trouble by preventing things getting broken, but in order to keep their value intact to their parents. This also seems like something I would consider doing. If something like this ever happened to me I know exactly what I would go hide in my house to keep them safe. This scene shows that Lindsey may not have respect for the family items, but Sam certainly does. This tells the audience that Sam values his family more than his sister does and considers them a priority, much like I do. Family is important and most high schoolers seem to forget them in order to further their own life goals. Sam holds onto his family ideals unlike most teens, but like me. My family is very important to me and I know if all else fails, they’ll be there for me so I do my best (like Sam does) in order to keep their

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