Compare And Contrast Federalist And Anti-Federalists

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There will always be two sides with opposing views to any decision that can be made. Government and politics are no different. People are always able to find something to be dissatisfied about. This can be seen from the two parties, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, that emerged during the creation and ratification of the Constitution. The Federalist group was the one who wished to ratify the newly made constitution. The Anti-Federalist group was the one who attacked every point of the newly made documents for being too restrictive and lacking. Both sides had argued back and forth, believing that their ideas would benefit the people more. There were of course major figures that were part of the revolution who disagreed with each other on what should be included in the Constitution. Some of the major figures that headed the Federalist group were James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. Many of the Federalists were people who attended the Philadelphia Convention. James Madison is known as the “father of the Constitution” …show more content…

There was a compromise between the two parties on the Constitution though. They included a Bill of Rights which was one of the main argued points on the Anti-federalist side. The future of the U.S. was affected by these debates as the two parties eventually evolved into what is now known as the Democrats which are the federalists and the Republicans which are the Anti-federalists. In the past, these debates were healthy as people argued against each other in order to ensure the rights of the people were clear and not infringed upon. Now debates about laws and where to go are not for the people’s well-being, it’s more for the parties to deny what the other party has to say and to go against it just because they said it. If the parties were arguing like they did before it would be great, but not it isn’t that good for the

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