Compare And Contrast Facebook And Twitter

706 Words2 Pages

Facebook vs Twitter
Compare and contrast
Ganga Dahal
Eng. 1010, Fall 2015 Facebook and twitter are the two different biggest social networking site. Millions of people from all over the world use this both site daily. This both networking site are used to get connected with friends, family and to track their celebrities. People also used this both networking sites to get updated about what’s going on over the world. To open Facebook and Twitter, peoples have to get sign up with their full name and email address, and they have to create a user name along with password. Mostly younger people sign up on the Facebook, and elderly people sign up on the Twitter. This both networking sites allow people to post status, upload images, …show more content…

While, it is not necessary to know each other to share post in Twitter; people usually follow other people who they wants to track, either relatives or celebrities. In this both networking site, Users can express their opinions about content by replying. This both networking sites have different privacy setting. In facebook, multiples privacy setting are available to manage your profile privacy. One of the best privacy setting is, users are allow to choose peoples to saw their post. On the other hand, Twitter has only two privacy setting. User needs to share their post either for public or only for followers. Allowing less privacy setting make people feel that Twitter is not secure as much as Facebook. However, this both networking sites let to connect with each other 's account. Linking Facebook and Twitter make easier to share same post on both sites. Facebook and Twitter both have their own mobile application. Those mobile application are free to download. To chat through facebook mobile application, we have to download another application called Messenger, then we have to link this two application. Whereas, we don 't need to download any other application to use Twitter besides its

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