Compare And Contrast Essay On The Crucible

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Violence, the Truth of Humans
In The Crucible and in several events history including genocides, it can be seen that they all share similarities. They all show how humans beings are brutal and desensitized to violence, how effortless it is to become something that kills it’s own kind. Humans are brutal and desensitized to violence, caused by different opinions, morals, as well as peer pressure.
The brutality of humans have various origins, such as different morals and judgement, many times from outside influence. The Crucible clearly shows conflicted ideas and arguments, one side arguing and blaming, while the other tries to defend and prove innocence. Abigail can be seen to be ruthless and uncaring about others, only seeking vengeance, while Proctor tries to prove his wife’s innocence and try to end the lies the girls were spreading. Many people were influenced by the girls, becoming paranoid that there really were witches and that the accusations were true. Aside from The Crucible, indoctrination under Joseph Stalin’s rule can also show this, how children were being taught with communist ideas. Because of this, it can be seen that …show more content…

The Rwandan genocide can be seen as an example of this; The Hutu population was killing the Tutsis population, as they were angry that the Tutsis were “superior” to them, even though there wasn’t a very large difference between them. The Hutus and Tutsis were nearly identical and had no difference. Not all Hutus were against the Tutsis, however, but they were forced to join in the killings or be killed themselves. Thousands of Hutus were murdered since they were against the killing. In The Crucible, the girls that accused people could have been following Abigail because of peer pressure, they all got each other to accuse others and make it look as if the accused was a witch, acting

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