Compare And Contrast Athletes And Non Athletes

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Introduction Participating in sports offer many benefits, such as enhance learning accountability, dedication, leadership, and encouragement for individuals to remain active throughout their lives. However, athletes are the most vulnerable. Competing in sport related events can cause an athlete to become psychological and physiological stressed, furthermore, this increases the risk of an athlete to develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders in athletes is more common than in non-athletes. Eating Disorders can effect an athlete’s performance in their specific sport. Athletes feel they have an image to uphold. While most athletes believe they are helping increase their performance they are actually damaging and draining their bodies of the …show more content…

In non-athletes it is need to be accepted into the distorted view of the society. For both athlete and non-athlete they want a body image that they see is perfect in their eyes. In a recent study they tested 562 women and 883 men out of that total there were both athletes and non-athletes. Towards the end the results revealed that “the scores of the athletes revealed less disordered eating symptomology and healthier psychological functioning than the score of non-athletes.” (Mark F. Reinking, Laura E. Alexander). Risk Factors contributing to eating disorders in both athletic and non-athletic woman include social …show more content…

Scientist believe a person have to connect both their psychological and physiological traits to actually have an eating disorder. A few of the examples of eating disorder behavior in athletes can be: unnecessary prolonged periods of dieting this may include the use of laxatives, fasting, vomiting, diet aids. Frequent weight fluctuations through weigh ins, sudden increases in their specific training volume, traumatic events can take place such as a loss in their specific sport and they think that by not eating or drinking fluids that it will decrease their body percentile and increase their mobility or the pressure in the change of coaches. Eating disorders can occur in any sport, any athlete and any person. In certain studies it was shown that most athletes with eating disorders were those that’s specific sport required a lean body shape or even a body weight percentile. The main sports usually associated with eating disorders are: dancing, diving, figure skating, lightweight rowing, skiing, running, synchronized swimming, gymnastics, judo, cheerleading, wrestling, horse jockeying, and cycling. Coaches, family and friends push their athlete to achieve everything without considering the athlete's overall state health. For some Athletes an eating disorder can make them feel as if they have total control over

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