Community Colleges Problem

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Community colleges have many problems though only a few colleges are attempting to fix these problems. Many students are not graduating because of the problems that colleges are having. Graduating is significant for a person’s future, so colleges are now trying to figure a way to increase the graduation rate. Increasing the graduation rate is important and having better and more advisers, fewer remedial courses, and low tuition cost is the way to increase that rate.
Advisers are extremely important to have in college. “There has been an increase in graduation rates in many colleges because of advisers” (Ensign, 2010). Having an increase in advisers helps improve graduation rates because advisers can have a more in-depth conversation …show more content…

Alina Tugend talked about how some states offer “free or near-free community college tuition to eligible high school graduates” (Tugend, 2016). Being able to go to college without the big worry over the cost would help students focus more on their courses and on graduating. Going to college is about learning and getting a degree but the cost of tuition makes this difficult. Colleges are now trying to fix the problem to increase the graduation rate. Fixing the problems that community colleges have is strenuous and even though there are solutions it can still be difficult to perform them.
Trying to fix a problem is easier said than done. It is understandable that hiring more advisers would be difficult since it does cost money. Schools having to spend more money could lead to higher tuition costs, and this could lead to more dropouts. Having to pay and be in a class that sometimes does not give credit is a hassle, though it is better than taking a class that a student is not ready for. Attempting to fix the problems community colleges have is better than not doing anything at all. Problems can be solved if people really think about …show more content…

The solutions some colleges have found are getting good results. Finding solutions to help students is a step toward a better education for college students. Just having a few problems fixed, such as more personal advisers, fewer remedial classes, and lower tuition costs can make a great impact on graduation rates at community

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