Common Themes In The White Silence

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The White Silence is about Ruth, her husband Mason, and the Malamute Kid on a trek through the Yukon with their dogs. Resources are scarce so they only have enough food for themselves and nothing to share with the dogs. They set out on their journey after they finish eating. The dogs are weak from having no food and Carmen, one of the dogs falls in the traces. Mason slashes the dog with his whip, which starts an argument with Malamute Kid. Mason decides to leave the dying dog behind and ventures ahead of Ruth and Malamute Kid, stopping by a large pine tree. The pine tree falls from the weight of the snow onto Mason, crushing his shoulder. He survives but is gravely injured, Ruth and Malamute Kid are unable to take him back with them. Mason tells Malamute Kid to take care of Ruth and to go on without him, but Malamute Kid pleads to wait three day before leaving; Mason agrees to allow them to stay only one day. With no improvement from Mason, Ruth says her goodbyes to her husband and her and Malamute Kid leave Mason behind. The main theme of this story is survival, Mason, Ruth, and Malamute kid have to endure the harsh environment of the Yukon. They face the danger of running out of food, or stepping on thin ice. Everything they do is to ensure they survive their journey. Another theme is patience. Malamute Kid showed patience …show more content…

Each character is developed fairly for a short story. We learn about their past and their personalities. Malamute Kid is a native to the Yukon and is Mason’s apprentice, Ruth is also a Yukon native but was treated unfairly because she is a woman. Mason is rather arrogant because he believes he is an expert at the trails, he is not a Yukon native but has worked there for many years. I think each character’s strong and weak points vary and London includes diverse personalities. No clear hero or anti-hero can be determined, but the enemy to all three characters is the

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