Columbus And Columbus: Ideas And Views Of Columbus

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 Geographical considerations
Catholic Theologians opposed the support of Columbus's plan as they said and stay on their situation that the earth was flat. In the period of Aristotle, Most Westerners that they are well-educated know that it is not flat, it is spherical. Who lived in the eighth century 4 BC who in Europe has studied on a large scale and venerations in middle ages. (Washington Irving's 1828)
Ptolemy also based on ancient astronomy significantly which the Earth sphericty recognized to him. The sphericty of the earth contain Saint Bede the Venerable in his account of the time, and wrote about 723 AD and this belief was reflected by the Christian writers.
Heavenly navigation techniques, that are used in the site of sun and stars in the sky, along with knowing that the earth is a spherical, which astronomers used as a beginning to be executed by sailors that was in Columbus time.
Contrary to the ideas and views of Columbus with the ideas of the scientists of his day, where it was valued the distance from Europe to Asia to the west. There are three factors were based upon his ideas are: a low estimate of the size of the Earth, his high estimation of the size of the Eurasian landmass, and his belief that Japan and other inhabited islands lay far to the east of the coast of China. He was opposed to all of in his time in those three factors
After 3rd century BC, Eratosthenes calculation about Earth's circumference was used correctly in different locations such as Alexandria and syene (Aswan now) by simple geometry and the shadows cast. Eratosthenes's results undertaken in 1ST century by Posidonius, were corroborated in Alexandria and Rhodes by the comparison between remarks is excellent.
Among scientists these measureme...

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...had endeavored the public kings Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, as through marriage he had unified many kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, and were governor simultaneously. After he got his permission in 1 May, 1486, Columbus provided his plans to Queen Isabella that she forwarded it to the Committee. After a long period, scientists from Spain replied that Columbus had flagrantly underestimated the distance to Asia. They said that it is the idea of operation visible and provide advice Royal Highness to pass on the proposed project.
The Catholic kings gave Columbus an annual allowance of 12,000 Maravedis and after that in 1489, they equipped to him a letter ordering all cities and towns under their domain saving him food and accommodation in no cost. Nevertheless, to save Columbus ideas from taking elsewhere, and perhaps to keep their chances open.

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