Colombia Research Paper

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With a population of 48.32 million and about the size of California and Texas combined is the Republic of Colombia. Located at the northern tip of South America. Similarly to the United States it has a republic form of government with executive,judicial,and legislative branches. There President is Juan Manuel Santos and they use the Colombian pesos for money. They have free education systems that are Primary school which is elementary school for us and Secondary school which to us is high school and there major language is Spanish. Colombia’s flag is striped mostly yellow then blue then red on the bottom. Colombia is named after Christopher Columbus who discovered the "New World" although he never went to Colombia, but he inspired a lot of people to colonize the new land. Not …show more content…

Colombia has the second highest number of national holidays and many of the holidays are based around the Catholic church since 90% of the population is Catholic.Easter is one of the biggest celebrated holidays in Colombia because it has to do with Christ's resurrection. On Easter people carry a wooden carvings of Jesus crucifixion,death,and resurrection through 1 mile route through the city of Popayan. Some of the other important holidays are in December and they celebrate them by lighting up the city with candles,raising Christmas trees ,people often gather together to pray,they attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve,and eat a big meal on Christmas day,but they do not have a Santa they only have Jesus to bring them

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