College Freshman Research Paper

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Crisis for college freshman: How pressures are damaging youths entering college Senior year is a buzz of new media gossip, with most about the amazing hopes and joys about what college life is going to be like. Sadly most don’t have a clue about what they are being signed up for once those caps are thrown in the air. Every year student enters college with dangerous preconceptions of college and hailed with various struggles many crumble too. Various stresses accompanied by new found responsibility are thrown to the newly independent student who unable to handle begin to falter in grades and health. With the increasing relevance of college in media, more and more college life experiences have been dominating movie and social media. The “college is the best years of your life” slogan paints an easy going image in young adults that’s far from accurate. Studies since 2011 have shown that 52% of freshman claim having above average health, with 64 being compared to 1985(M.Lisa, Raymond, pg.16-25). Those that participated later said that the …show more content…

Knowing this I came that year prepared and did the best in my power and managed to increase my rank. However as my senior year passes no one talked about the college life besides “it’s going to be lit”. Had there been a convention or an increased awareness of the challenge than what we see in the media there might be chance to decrease these trends. If more open communication on how to handle situations I could see all the problems I had be almost non-existent. Most of we had a way of having college student being able to have one on one with new freshman having those with experience tell the new generation then many issues could be dealt . When you have an easy road half your life and then be thrown off the cliff you are going to die, so let’s have a rope to let those seeking it grab life by the string of

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