Clinical Mental Health Scholarship Essay

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Looking back through my life to find what has led me down this path I see that I had several challenging events in my life. At the time I did not understand why I was going through them or how I was going to get through them but knew that there is always a solution to every problem. During the time that I was working through the challenging events I realized that these were only preparing me to be a stronger individual. These experiences formed my passion to continue my education. I had an opportunity to live in Arizona in 2005, I was working for a nation wide Property Management Company as a Business Manager, worked in this industry for 16 years. During these 16 years I realized that I enjoyed working with people but did not feel that the job was fulfilling my desires. Recognized I wanted to do something else for the rest of my life. Within a few months I felt this abundance of …show more content…

and started as an administrative assistant. I found myself helping others just by listening and supporting them with their life challenges, I then started to develop a professional experiences with them. I knew then that support is crucial for these individuals and they were in need of feeling validated. I realized at this time that supporting others with their struggles was uplifting for me. This is the reason why I am here today choosing to go to graduate school for Clinical Mental Health. I learned by graduating in my Bachelors of Science Business from University of Phoenix, that I am capable as long as I set goals and stay focused on the end goal. I am proud to say that I have recognized the strength, encouragement and determination I have to complete graduate school in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. The Clinical Mental Health program at University of Northern Colorado is my choice for achieving my goals. I plan to be able to contribute as much to the program as I receive from

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