Cleopatra VII Philopator

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Every country has had their share in important kings, leaders, or queens. These reasons vary depending on the position they held but for the most part the characteristics and traits are similar. The three leaders are form different civilizations, cultural and family background. In each one of the artworks representing the leader, the artist felt it was essential the art speaks for the leader’s life and their contributions.
Cleopatra VII Philopator was an important aspect to the Egyptian dynasty and known as one of the most famous female ruler. She became ruler at the age of eighteen years old after her father Ptolemy XII Auletes died. Egyptian tradition focused her and her ten year old brother to share the role of pharaoh when she took the throne( Bio). Tension being to arise between the two and Cleopatra fled to Syria in hope of starting an army of mercenaries to help take her throne. Her alliances with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony showed how she was able to use her beautiful charm (Fiero). She was a well educated woman that was able to speak multiple languages. This allowed her to gain recognition and become a powerful leader.
The statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator is …show more content…

The three of the statue were crafted to show honor. When looking at the art you can see the power. The symbols of Cleopatra right foot placed ahead, the animal lion, and Yue Fei dressed in his uniform shows power. Queen Cleopatra and General Yue Fei both have statues resembling them compared to King Leonidas statue being a lion. It seems like the Spartans built the lion for Leonidas for more religious reason. All three were during difference centuries and areas. King Leonidas I and General Yue Fei statue were created after they had died and served for more of a memorial statue. In statue after their deaths and recent statue of powerful figures they still remain to have some symbolic stance, item, or uniform

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