Class Revolution: The French Revolution

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“To conquer [our enemies] we must dare, and dare again, and dare forever; and thus will France be saved” - Georges Jacques Danton. In 1789, a new era was born, an era that would go down in France and forever be known as the French Revolution. During this time period, France was divided into 3 social classes known as the Clergy, the Nobles, and the Common People. Each class was treated differently and some very unfairly, but the problem was that each class was divided into more classes within that class. Above all jobs, wealth, and social status were major factors of where a person would be in the society. The main reason for the French revolution was that France’s people greatly differed from class, therefore the people revolted which led to …show more content…

The Animals started out by revolting because they weren’t being treated fairly. After their revolt was successful everyone had an equal status. “All animals are equal” (Orwell, 25). Everything began to change when Napoleon decided he wanted to rule by himself and be the only one to have a say at Animal Farm. To make sure he made himself the only one in charge he had to run Snowball out of Animal Farm. “They sprang for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaw.” (Orwell, 53). The animals began to slowly lose their equal status from here by believing everything that was told to them by the only pig who advocated Napoleon's actions and helped Napoleon inflict fear, Squealer. “One false step, and our enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back?” (Orwell, 56). Afterwards Napoleon murdered any animal that came in contact with or provided any type of help to Snowball, this is when all the animals, except the pigs, completely lost their equality and are back to being treated unfairly. “When they finished their confessions, the dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice demanded whether any other animals had anything to confess” (Orwell, 84). Ultimately, the thing the caused the animals to regain their equal status was when the animals noticed Napoleon was drinking alcohol with Mr. Pilkington. “The source of the …show more content…

Political issues differ in variety since there was a numerous of monarchs that ruled and helped cause the problems. During eighteenth Century France, multiple monarchs ruled the country (Vikram). France’s monarchs relished in the amount of unlimited power they had (Vikram). France had little care when it came to it’s people, they arrested whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted, whenever they liked (How Important Were Economic Causes of the French Revolution, Ward). “The autocratic monarchy, defective administration, extravagant expenditure formed the political cause of the French Revolution” (Vikram). Economical issues were a huge push to start the French Revolution. France’s economy was very weak and poor due to many wars from past monarch’s (Vikram). Also all the luxurious and expensive lives the monarch’s lived help drain France’s economy (Vikram). To get help France rid its financial troubles or at least lower their debt, many appointed the idea of placing taxes on all the classes, but King Louis XVI refused to even take it into consideration(Vikram). This is significant because this shows that France was politically and economically unstable when they had the French Revolution. Even though France knew it was in debt and not in good rule, they continued henceforth. Confidently showing that France was ready for a change. The French

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