Argumentative Essay On Sex Offenders

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Sex offenders. These people have sparked much debate in the years past and also quite a lot now in the present time. No matter where one could go, one will always hear stories and news reports of incidents of adults being involved with children in a sexual manner or of some poor woman being raped. An example of this could be a preacher touching the altar boys, a man forcing himself onto a woman he held at gun point in an alley, it may just be an average run of the mill creep offering kids candy at a playground hoping to get something in return, or unfortunately it could just be a drunk person seen urinating outside, but that is the day and age we live in. The list is endless unfortunately and these offenders some in a variety of shapes, …show more content…

The answer to this would possibly be that they do not choose. Some people are simply born with more inappropriate tendencies in their mind and if coupled with sexual abuse as a child from a parent or some other adult, then one would have a very scarred person that would eventually start committing heinous acts as well. Statistically, child sex offenders deceive and entice there victims into compliance instead of using physical force or violence to achieve their intentions. (Megan’s Law) This means that not only are they mentally ill, but they can also be very smart and manipulative, which is a deadly combination. It is also noteworthy that this is not limited to child sex offenders. Many adults that are arrested as sex offenders were involved with people they knew or had seduced; instead of the stereotypical brute that forces his or herself on their victim. No matter the methods employed in committing the crimes that they do, there is still the question, what drives a sex …show more content…

What causes them to want to pursue inappropriate relationships with children or forces themselves upon another? The answers to these questions are simple: it varies. Each person is different from the next, meaning whatever led them to committing whatever sexual crime they committed could differ greatly. One this to note is that it is impossible to say that only one factor contributes to creating a sex offender. It must be some form of combination of the biopsychosocial approach. A biological stand point is needed because some people are simply born mentally ill, leaning more towards the sexual inappropriate mind set, or have intellectual problems that could prohibit them from realizing the consequences of their actions. Another stand point is the psychological perspective. Dr. Stanton Samenow, a clinical psychologist and author, wrote an article in Psychology Today stating “The mental processes in pursuing a sex partner are similar to those involved in the commission of other crimes. The thinking in a bank robbery and a rape are virtually identical although the “target” is different.” (Samenow) The offender in both situations fantasizes, schemes, and determines how they are going to commit the crime all the while getting a great excitement from the whole process, from the planning to actually going through with the crime itself. He also states that for a rapist, “He spots his target,

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